NOW IS THE TIME: Tell Congress to Stand Up for Refugee Resettlement

Background: Right now, the Trump administration is deciding how many refugees we welcome into the United States next fiscal year. President Trump will announce his decision by the end of this month, so it is a critical time to lift up our collective voice and stand with refugees in the United States and abroad. Today, we face the worst displacement crisis in recorded history with more than 65 million people who have been forced from their homes. There are more than 22 million refugees worldwide — the worst refugee crisis the world has ever seen. More than half are children. Refugees are more than just a global figure; they are families torn apart, children who have witnessed profound violence, and people seeking a chance to rebuild their lives and raise a family in safety. As President Trump considers how many refugees the United States should strive to admit in Fiscal Year 2018, we must make our voices heard and ensure Congress urge the administration to resettle at least 75,000 refugees next year.

CALL YOUR SENATORS & REPRESENTATIVES TODAY: 1-866-961-4293 Please call 3 times to connect with your Representative and both of your Senators

Sample Script: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and I strongly support refugee resettlement. I urge you to do everything in your power to see that the administration resettle at least 75,000 refugees in 2018. As we face a global refugee crisis with more than 22 million refugees, U.S. resettlement strengthens our national security, encourages other countries to keep their doors open to refugees, and advances our foreign policy interests. I call on you to protect the U.S. refugee resettlement program. My community welcomes refugees, and I urge you to reflect the best of our American values of compassion and hospitality.

Feel free to share a personal story about standing in solidarity with refugees. Let them know the specific ways that refugees contribute and are welcomed into your community. You can also tweet at your Senators & Representatives: “.@[SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE] Tell the White House to welcome at least 75,000 #refugees in the US & stand against refugee/Muslim ban. #RefugeesWelcome #GreaterAs1” Faith Leaders: Please sign this letter urging President Trump and the administration to resettle at least 75,000 refugees in the United States next year.

Please spread the word and send this alert to your networks! Please tell us if you take action opens a new webpage)! Follow @CWS_global on Twitter and “like” CWS Immigration and Refugee Program on Facebook for up-to-date alerts.
