Rep. Underwood is Right: DHS is Making Intentional Policy Choices that Harm Children and Families

Washington, D.C. — In a hearing today, Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan faced a tough line of questioning from Congresswoman Lauren Underwood (D-IL) about the administration’s treatment of families and children arriving at our nation’s southern border and asking for protection.

After trying to evade her questions, McAleenan finally admitted that he is aware of research showing that separating children from their parents has devastating, long-term, physical and psychological effects, “on par with beating and torture in terms of its relationship to mental health,” according to the American Psychological Association.

When Rep. Underwood then stated that the administration has made “intentional” policy choices that put children and families at risk, McAleenan exploded. But no amount of bluster can change the fact that Rep. Underwood is right.

Listen to what the Congresswoman actually said, which begins around the one-hour mark: “At this point with five kids that have died, 5000 separated from their families, I feel like and the evidence is really clear that this is intentional. It’s a policy choice being made on purpose by this administration, and it’s cruel and inhumane.”

McAleenan’s reaction was pure theater, and an obvious attempt to try to take control after a line of questioning he found brutal and uncomfortable. The administration has stated, quite publicly, that separating families at the border WAS an intentional decision they made. They did it to send a message and try to “deter” future families from fleeing to the United States. The administration also separated families with no plan for how to reunite them. Again, this choice was made intentionally.  And children remain separated from their parents today.  

Katie Adams, Policy Advocate for Domestic Issues, United Church of Christ, and Co-Chair of the Interfaith Immigration Coalition, said:

We are profoundly saddened by the deaths of migrant children at the U.S. Border. Rep. Underwood stood as a powerful witness in today’s Homeland Security hearing calling the administration’s policy exactly what it is, ‘an intentional policy choice…that’s cruel and inhumane.’ As a result of this policy choice, children are dying. We stand in support of Rep. Underwood’s efforts to protect migrant children. We grieve with the families who have lost their children and demand acknowledgement, accountability, and justice for these young lives lost, as well as a different approach at the border that treats asylum-seeking families with dignity and humanity.

The Interfaith Immigration Coalition and partners are holding a prayer vigil on Capitol Hill tomorrow, at 9am, to remember and honor the children who lost their lives while in the care of our government, and demand that the administration change its approach on the border and finally value each migrant’s life. Come to the Methodist Building tomorrow at 9am to take part, or join the virtual vigil online. More details here,

The Interfaith Immigration Coalition is made up of 52 national, faith-based organizations brought together across many theological traditions with a common call to seek just policies that lift up the God-given dignity of every individual. In partnership, we work to protect the rights, dignity, and safety of all refugees and migrants.

