Toolkit: Advocate for an Immigrant-Inclusive COVID-19 Relief Bill

Tell Congress to include immigrants and refugees in our country’s economic recovery!

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For months, we have been calling for a comprehensive COVID-19 relief bill that includes all members of our communities. As Congress returns from recess, we again raise our voices to advocate for a COVID-19 bill that includes relief and protection for immigrants, including undocumented immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders.

Immigrants are valued members of our families, places of worship, and communities and make vital contributions to the economy. Many of the doctors, nurses, researchers, and other health workers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response are immigrants, and they are caring for the sick in our communities. Many of the farmworkers and meatpackers maintaining our food supply are undocumented, and they are keeping us fed. Immigrants, including around 131,000 TPS holders and 200,000 DACA recipients, are serving on the frontlines—despite their families and communities receiving little or no relief themselves. Not only are they risking their own lives, but they are risking exposing their family members and loved ones to the virus in order to continue working and serving  communities across the nation.

Immigrants and refugees are part of our national fabric, and regardless of immigration status, we all need to support each other in this pandemic. Everyone deserves access to the care and support they need to weather this storm. It’s long past time for Congress to pass a COVID-19 relief bill that includes all our immigrant and refugee neighbors.

Join us in taking action by contacting Congress, engaging on social media, and writing a Letter to the Editor!

Contact Congress

Sign the Petition (TPS)
Urge Congress to provide TPS holders with permanent protections amidst the COVID-19 crisis.

Email Your Members of Congress

Click here to send a message to your Members of Congress. 

Call your Members of Congress

Call 202-318-1612 three times to be connected with your one Representative and two Senators.

Sample Script for Phone Calls:

I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and as a person of faith, I believe in protecting the God-given dignity of every human being during this global pandemic. We must care for all members of our community during this time, including undocumented immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, DACA recipients, and TPS holders. Many of our immigrant neighbors are serving on the frontlines of the pandemic and it is time they receive the support they need in return.

As this crisis deepens, we once again demand action. I urge you to approve a COVID-19 relief package that includes:

  1. Automatic extensions of work permits for DACA recipients, TPS holders, and asylum seekers for at least two years.
  2. Free COVID-19 testing and treatment for all, regardless of immigration status.
  3. Direct cash assistance for immigrants and refugees, including those in mixed-status families.
  4. Provide $642 million in funding to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to ensure that refugees don’t fall through the cracks.
  5. A moratorium on deportations and ICE and CBP enforcement activities.

Amplify on Social Media

Raise Awareness & Encourage Advocacy

Share these sample posts along with these graphics or this artwork:

  • As a person of faith, I believe all people deserve support during this pandemic, including undocumented immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, #DACA recipients, and #TPS holders.

       Join me in advocating for an immigrant-inclusive #COVID19 relief bill:


  • Many of our immigrant neighbors are serving on the frontlines of the pandemic. It is time they receive support in return! Join me in advocating for an immigrant-inclusive #COVID19 relief bill by emailing Congress today: #ImmigrantsAreEssential


  • #ImmigrantsAreEssential and must be included in the government’s response to this pandemic. Tell Congress to ensure that all immigrants receive health care and other benefits in the next #COVID19 response package! next-covid-19-response  


  • 131,000 #TPS holders and 200,000 #DACA recipients are serving on the frontlines of the pandemic—despite receiving little or no relief themselves. People of faith must advocate for an immigrant-inclusive #COVID19 relief bill now! #ImmigrantsAreEssential


  • Our neighbors with #TPS deserve protection and support amidst the #COVID19 crisis.

Urge Congress to take action now:
#ImmigrantsAreEssential #Faith4TPS



Tweet at Congress

Tweet at your Members of Congress as well as Senate leaders:

Share these sample posts along with these graphics or this artwork:

  • .@Senator/Rep I join over 1,200 faith leaders and organizations to demand the inclusion of immigrants in all #COVID19 relief bills. All members of our community deserve support during this time of crisis. #ImmigrantsAreEssential
  • .@Senator/Rep I echo the demand of over 1,200 faith leaders and organizations to provide #COVID19 relief to all immigrants, including refugees, asylum seekers, #DACA recipients, #TPS holders, and those who are undocumented. #ImmigrantsAreEssential
  • While you were in recess, immigrant workers continued to serve on the frontlines in healthcare, our food system, and beyond. Immigrants have had our back during this crisis, now it’s time for us to have theirs. @Senator/Rep pass an immigrant-inclusive #COVID19 relief bill now!
  • As a person of faith, I believe all of our neighbors deserve support during this pandemic, including undocumented immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, Dreamers, and TPS holders. @Senator/Rep, pass an immigrant-inclusive #COVID19 relief bill now! #ImmigrantsAreEssential
  • .@Senator/Rep approve a #COVID19 relief bill that:

➡️ Extends work permits for #DACA & #TPS holders
➡️ Provides free COVID testing and treatment to all
➡️ Provides cash assistance to all immigrants, including mixed-status families
➡️ Stops deportations & ICE & CBP enforcement

  • 131,000 #TPS holders and 200,000 #DACA recipients are serving on the frontlines of the pandemic—despite receiving little or no relief themselves. @Senator/Rep, act now to approve a #COVID19 relief bill that includes all of our immigrant neighbors. #ImmigrantsAreEssential
  • 176,000 refugees work in healthcare and 175,000 maintain our country’s food supply. As frontline workers and our neighbors, refugees deserve #COVID19 relief. @Senator/Rep, ensure that refugees and all immigrants are included in every relief package. #WithRefugees
  • Our immigrant communities need to be supported during this pandemic, not terrorized. @Senator/Rep, I urge you to include in all #COVID19 relief packages a moratorium on deportations and ICE and CBP enforcement activities. 

Write a Letter to the Editor (LTE)

A well-placed piece in a local media outlet has the power to influence decision makers. Write a short letter to the editor for your local paper advocating for a COVID-19 relief bill that includes all immigrants and refugees, sharing why you believe immigrants and refugees deserve relief, and calling your elected officials to act. 

Here are steps to take to write and send the letter, plus sample LTEs that you can use or adapt for your experience and voice. Contact for help in drafting, pitching, and placing your LTE.
