Religion Unplugged Op-Ed: “Seeking Justice Together: The Loving Call For A Pathway To Citizenship”

Washington, DC — Faith communities and religious leaders have been steadfast defenders of the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program and fierce  advocates alongside ‘Dreamers’ and immigrants with undocumented status for over a decade. Through congressional meetings, vigils, rallies, virtual gatherings, and opinion pieces, people of faith have been relentless in calling on Congress to create a pathway to citizenship for all, including DACA recipients and ‘Dreamers.’

The need for permanent solutions is particularly pressing as the year’s end approaches and the future of DACA hangs on by a thread due to dozens of attacks and judicial challenges. From the courtroom to the halls of Congress, the power of love and justice must prevail. 

In Religion Unplugged, Anika Forrest of the Friends Committee on National Legislation—one of over fifty-five partner organizations in the Interfaith Immigration Coalition—and Dayana Maldonado write an urgent op-ed, “Seeking Justice Together: The Loving Call For A Pathway To Citizenship.” 

They write: 

“As advocates led by Christian and Biblical understanding, we often find ourselves seeking the heart of God and striving to honor his principles. Our spirit-filled encounters have made one specific lesson clear, especially in the realm of migration justice: Love thy neighbor — no exceptions (Matthew 22:37-39).

A ruling from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this month served as an urgent reminder that Congress must do far more to meet this calling. On Oct. 5, a federal judge affirmed a lower court’s decision that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is unlawful. While current DACA recipients can still apply for renewal, this protective program is now in deep peril. 

Make no mistake: Continued inaction from lawmakers is what led to this vulnerability. Congress must act swiftly to provide undocumented immigrants with the security they deserve.

…Yet, among competing priorities and policy agendas, it often feels like policymakers underappreciate the urgent need in undocumented communities. It grieves us to witness the stagnant, decades-long debate over a pathway to citizenship as undocumented communities endure hostility and exclusion in U.S. society.

This political chess deeply undermines DACA recipients’ ability to chart prosperous lives in the United States. As long as Congress fails to act on a pathway to citizenship, the two-year protection interval of DACA extends a perpetual threat of being separated from family and community — of being taken from home.

The faith community, however, has been stepping up. Interfaith constituents have been partnering in numerous congressional visits. With one unified voice, we called on Congress to act this year in creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

…Guided by this religious conviction, we will relentlessly and unapologetically work in solidarity with our beloved neighbors this year to advance a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. As Dreamers await yet another round of painful judicial and administrative decisions, we urge Congress to heed our call: pass a pathway to citizenship this year.”

Read the entire op-ed here


The Interfaith Immigration Coalition is made up of over 55 national, faith-based organizations brought together across many theological traditions with a common call to seek just policies that lift up the God-given dignity of every individual. In partnership, we work to protect the rights, dignity, and safety of all refugees and migrants. Follow us on Twitter @interfaithimm 
