New Executive Action Supports Mixed-Status Families

Washington, DC – Today, President Biden announced bold new steps to enable undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens to work lawfully and overcome obstacles to living to their fullest potential. This process will keep families together and bring broader economic and social benefits to the nation. People around the country are ready for an immigration system that promotes these values. While this step is welcomed, only Congress can fix the failings of the immigration system that keep families in fear and hinder U.S. economic potential.

The administration estimates that 500,000 undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens could benefit, many of whom have lived in the U.S. for more than two decades. Current law prevents many of these individuals from obtaining a green card unless they leave the country, potentially up to ten years, which generates a strong fear of family separation. This program uses an existing legal authority, called immigration parole, to grant case-by-case protection from deportation and work authorization for immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens, have lived in the U.S. for ten years or more, and meet presence and other requirements. From there, parole in place unlocks a potential path to citizenship that wasn’t accessible before.

Additional actions by the administration will also clarify and enhance processes for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients to obtain employment-based visas which they are strong candidates for because of their U.S. education and ties.

Today’s action comes in the wake of the administration’s new asylum restrictions at the southern border that drew strong consternation from faith-based and human rights organizations. People of faith firmly uphold the dignity of every person and advocate for safety, protection, and opportunities for all who aspire to be part of our nation’s tapestry. As faith communities, we will continue to advocate to protect and restore the U.S. asylum system and ask for additional administrative action including: relief from deportation for caregivers; Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure for countries that meet the criteria; and support for clearing the family-based immigration visa backlog.

“For Catholics, family is the primary community God uses to help us become the people God calls us to be. It is critical therefore, for all families to be honored and protected,” said Mary Novak, Executive Director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholics. “We welcome this Executive Order because it enables hundreds of thousands of families to stay together and live fulfilling lives without the worry of deportation and separation. This action was won by fearless organizing of immigrant communities around the country, and we commend President Biden for hearing their voices and taking this much-needed first step. We ask the Biden administration and Congress to build on these pro-family policies that unite us all, support the dignity of immigrant families and build stronger communities in the United States.”

“We are grateful for President Biden’s announcement that will provide permanent protections for many long-term undocumented individuals in this country, affecting hundreds of thousands of immigrants and their families,” said Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. “No less than 36 times, the Torah commands just treatment of the stranger, reminding us that providing these important protections aligns with our values as Jews and as Americans. This action has the potential to be the most significant positive policy change for immigrants and their families since the DACA program’s creation. It’s a reminder that we must continue fighting to ensure permanent protections for all 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S.”

“Unitarian Universalists firmly believe that families belong together,” said Pablo DeJesús, Executive Director of Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice. “We are, therefore, gratified to hear that DHS has announced a program for undocumented immigrant spouses of U.S. citizens. This new action opens a path to permanent status and, perhaps, eventually, citizenship for nearly 500,000 long-term residents. We honor the tireless work of immigrant communities and allies to achieve this outcome. However, our welcome should not stop with the spouses of U.S. citizens. Happily, the President also opens opportunities for DACA recipients to qualify for employment-based visas, another needed and reasonable step. We thank President Biden for addressing these deficiencies. Yet more needs to be done. DACA is under challenge in federal courts and is vulnerable to being ended. Even though as many as 68% of Americans support a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, Congress has failed to act for them and other DACA recipients. This circumstance means that DACA recipients have been living with uncertainty for too many days and counting. Therefore, we continue to call on Congress to act as soon as possible to fix this, and we continue to call on President Biden to lead Congress in a compassionate direction to protect and strengthen DACA.”

“We are grateful to President Biden for his executive action today which will bring relief to hundreds of thousands of American families by protecting undocumented spouses of US citizens from deportation,” said Rabbi Jill Jacobs, CEO of T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights. “This action allows those who have long lived in and contributed to the United States to stay united with their families and not face the difficult choice of either leaving the country to obtain a visa for re-entry or remaining here with the daily fear of deportation. In Judaism, we strive to build a kehilla kedosha, a sacred community, where every person fully belongs, no matter where they were born or what their citizenship status is. This core value also drives our fight for a humane and just asylum system, which is especially urgent given the administration’s newest anti-asylum policy. Everyone — no matter where they are from — deserves to be treated with dignity.”

“After long standing inaction from Congress, the Biden administration has issued bold and necessary actions to protect hundreds of thousands who call the U.S. home. This welcome step is a testament to the power of advocates and communities who have persistently called for relief for mixed-status families and our undocumented neighbors,” said Anika Forrest, Legislative Director of Domestic Policy at the Friends Committee on National Legislation. “We also remind Congress that legislators are not absolved from enacting a pathway to citizenship for undocumented communities who steadfastly contribute to the vitality of this nation.”

“Franciscans welcome the Executive Order which allows thousands of families to live together without fear of separation and to work lawfully,” said Sister Marie Lucey, OSF, Associate Director of Franciscan Action Network. “Immigrant communities and advocates have urged the Administration to take this action, so we thank and commend President Biden for listening and responding.  Following in the compassionate footprints of Jesus Christ and St. Francis of Assisi, we Franciscans continue to urge the Administration and Congress to build on this process which benefits not only mixed-status families but our whole society.”

“I applaud the Biden administration for establishing a new process that offers a pathway to legalization for certain undocumented spouses and children of U.S. citizens without requiring them to leave the country,” said Elket Rodriguez, Global Migration Advocate for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. “However, the administration’s actions are not sufficient to bring over the remaining 10 million undocumented immigrants out of social ostracism. I hope this is not the last measure taken by the Biden administration to promote family unity and to restore and safeguard the dignity of migrants.”

“The actions taken today, if implemented successfully, will positively transform the nation and make a difference in our worship communities by protecting family unity,” said the Bishop Sue Briner, Southwestern Texas Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. “The harsh consequences of outdated immigration laws are all too evident in Texas which has nearly four hundred thousand U.S. citizens living with a family member that could benefit from today’s announcement. Mixed status families will see relief with this action enabling undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens to obtain a green card without having to leave the country. I am glad to have conveyed my support during a visit with administration officials in Washington D.C. Furthermore, today’s actions will enhance processes for DACA recipients to receive employment-based visas, benefiting them, their families, and employers. A major hindrance is the uncertainty of the DACA program. We must continue to uplift the dignity of all individuals, and recommit to common-sense, fair, and generous immigration reform from Congress.”

“This action by the Biden administration could transform the lives of thousands across the United States. It is a testament to the strength of immigrant communities across the country, who have fought for this reform for decades,” said Rev. Michael Neuroth, Director of the United Church of Christ Office of Public Policy & Advocacy. “We hope the Biden Administration will continue to lead with compassion and hospitality in future policy decisions, aligning with the United Church of Christ’s commitment to building a just world for ALL.”

“As a faith-based organization, we applaud the administration’s announcement to keep families together. New opportunities for spouses of citizens to have relief from deportation, access to work permits and the ability to adjust their legal status improves lives for all of us,” added Rev. Noel Andersen, National Field Director at Church World Service and Co-Chair of the Interfaith Immigration Coalition. “Families are sacred, and we must do everything possible to support those we already call neighbors who are in the arduous process of becoming citizens. We are thankful for the additional capacity to provide work permits for DACA recipients and other eligible undocumented people who are part of our communities. We pray the administration continues to take action to provide relief for caregivers and clear the family visa backlog.”

The Interfaith Immigration Coalition is made up of over 55 national, faith-based organizations brought together across many theological traditions with a common call to seek just policies that lift up the God-given dignity of every individual. In partnership, we work to protect the rights, dignity, and safety of all refugees and migrants. Follow us on Twitter @interfaithimm 
