100+ Faith Groups and Leaders Oppose the Administration’s Effort to Close the Border

Washington, DC – On June 4, 2024, President Biden announced a new Proclamation and Interim Final Rule allowing the administration to temporarily suspend access to asylum for most people who arrive at the border between ports of entry to seek protection once arrivals surpass a daily average of 2,500 over the course of a week. In response 50 faith groups and 61 faith leaders wrote a letter to President Biden asking him to rescind these measures and instead enact solutions that welcome newcomers with dignity. The letter was published on July 8 as a public comment to the Federal Register.

The letter reads in part:”The June 4, 2024 proclamation seeks to systematically erode the U.S. humanitarian protection system, eliminating access to protection even for those clear cases for asylum. As people and communities of faith, we urge the administration to reject these punitive measures and find solutions that allow asylum seekers to be welcomed with dignity.”

The full letter and signatories can be found here.


The Interfaith Immigration Coalition is made up of over 55 national, faith-based organizations brought together across many theological traditions with a common call to seek just policies that lift up the God-given dignity of every individual. In partnership, we work to protect the rights, dignity, and safety of all refugees and migrants. Follow us on Twitter @interfaithimm 
