CALLS FROM TEXAS NEEDED: Stop Congress from Cutting Refugee Resettlement Funds Background: Congress is proposing funding bills for Fiscal Year 2017 that would flatline refugee resettlement funding at last year’s levels. President Obama committed to resettling 110,000 refugees in 2017, in contrast to the 75,000 planned for in the 2016 […]
Melissa Stek
427 posts
CALLS FROM SOUTH CAROLINA NEEDED: Stop Congress from Cutting Refugee Resettlement Funds Background: Congress is proposing funding bills for Fiscal Year 2017 that would flatline refugee resettlement funding at last year’s levels. President Obama committed to resettling 110,000 refugees in 2017, in contrast to the 75,000 planned for in the […]
CALLS FROM OKLAHOMA NEEDED: Stop Congress from Cutting Refugee Resettlement Funds Background: Congress is proposing funding bills for Fiscal Year 2017 that would flatline refugee resettlement funding at last year’s levels. President Obama committed to resettling 110,000 refugees in 2017, in contrast to the 75,000 planned for in the 2016 […]
CALLS FROM MISSOURI NEEDED: Stop Congress from Cutting Refugee Resettlement Funds Background: Congress is proposing funding bills for Fiscal Year 2017 that would flatline refugee resettlement funding at last year’s levels. President Obama committed to resettling 110,000 refugees in 2017, in contrast to the 75,000 planned for in the 2016 […]
CALLS FROM MISSISSIPPI NEEDED: Stop Congress from Cutting Refugee Resettlement Funds Background: Congress is proposing funding bills for Fiscal Year 2017 that would flatline refugee resettlement funding at last year’s levels. President Obama committed to resettling 110,000 refugees in 2017, in contrast to the 75,000 planned for in the 2016 […]