
46 posts

339 Faith-Based Groups and 1,356 Leaders Call for End to Anti-Immigrant “COVID” Policies

339 faith-based organizations and 1,356 faith leaders from all fifty states, plus DC, are issuing an open letter to policymakers at all levels, demanding an end to anti-immigrant policies put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter comes on the same day that a proposed rule to completely gut the asylum system is being published in the Federal Register.

Outraged by Trump’s Latest Immigration Ban? 3 Ways to Take Action

President Trump issued a new Executive Order to “cancel legal immigration,” claiming that it would help the hard hit economy. The order bans many immigrants from entering the United States and keeps families apart for at least sixty days. Faith leaders reacted strongly, calling his exploitation of the coronavirus public […]

Faith Leaders: Include Immigrants in COVID-19 Protection

224 faith-based organizations and 1,025 faith leaders sent a letter to the Trump administration, Congress, and Governors, telling them that “immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers must be included in our emergency response [to COVID-19] if we are to assist everyone who is in need.” The organizations and individuals span forty-six states plus the District of Columbia.