Washington, DC – On June 4, 2024, President Biden announced a new Proclamation and Interim Final Rule allowing the administration to temporarily suspend access to asylum for most people who arrive at the border between ports of entry to seek protection once arrivals surpass a daily average of 2,500 over […]
In response to the Attorney General of Texas’ attack on Annunciation House, a Catholic humanitarian organization, 268 faith leaders and 165 faith-based organizations are expressing their solidarity.
As the Senate prepares to vote on a bill that would drastically change the U.S. immigration and asylum systems, 662 faith leaders and 155 faith-based organizations and congregations have sent a letter urging Congress to uphold our moral and legal responsibility to welcome people seeking safety.
The Biden Administration’s decision to pursue construction of a border wall in south Texas is a significant disappointment and a betrayal of our responsibility to welcome people seeking safety.
Faith organizations respond to new measures at the border that place further burdens on migrants and asylum seekers in need of protection.