103 posts

We will continue to work toward legislative solutions that will protect community members who are part of the fabric of our society.

Delaware to Congress: Path to Citizenship NOW!

“Millions of immigrants living in this country contribute in many ways to the well-being of all of us and deserve our gratitude,” said Sister Ruth Bernadette O’Connor OSF, Member of the Leadership Team of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia in Delaware. “They are U.S. Americans in every way except having official citizenship documents. As followers of Jesus Christ and St. Francis of Assisi, who embraced all people as sisters and brothers, the fifty Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia who live in Delaware urge members of Congress to enact legislation that opens a path to citizenship for all immigrants who aspire to be U.S. citizens.” 

Mainers of Faith to Congress – Pass a Path to Citizenship This Summer!

“As one who works daily with Hispanic immigrants, I see the struggle they go through and the fear of deportation with which they live,” stated Sister Patricia Pora, Sisters of Mercy in Portland, Maine. “I urge Congress to pass permanent residency and a pathway to citizenship for TPS-holders, Dreamers and agricultural workers. Dreamers no longer know their home countries and most of the TPS-holders and farmworkers in Maine have been here for at least twenty years, and also no longer know their countries of origin. All fit into the category of ‘essential worker’ and the state of Maine, with its high percentage of elderly citizens, does not have enough people to fill available jobs.”

Vermont Wants Path to Citizenship This Summer

“Immigrants show us their loyalty, commitment, and care of others every day in this country. They deserve the same from us,” said Sister Laura Della Santa RSM, Local Coordinator for the Sisters of Mercy in Vermont. “With prayers and support, I am urging Congress to honor the inherent dignity of our immigrant brothers and sisters by giving them a pathway to citizenship.”