103 posts

We will continue to work toward legislative solutions that will protect community members who are part of the fabric of our society.

Washingtonians Want Path to Citizenship This Summer

Pat Millen, OSF, JPIC Coordinator for the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia in Washington: “Anti-immigrant and anti-refugee executive orders are inhumane and do not respect the rights and dignity of those coming to our borders seeking asylum or who have lived here as aspiring citizens, contributing to our society in many ways. Instead of these policies, we owe it to immigrants and their families to provide them a path to citizenship.”

New Hampshirites of Faith Want Path to Citizenship This Summer

Hundreds of people, faith groups, and immigrant rights organizations rallied at the New Hampshire state capitol building to show their support for a path to citizenship. Additionally, interfaith partners and the New Hampshire Immigrant Solidarity Network joined together for a vigil and march this month in Manchester “to show solidarity with all who continue to face the threat of detention, deportation, and family separation,” stated Grace Kindeke, Program Coordinator for the American Friends Service Committee in Concord, New Hampshire.