103 posts

We will continue to work toward legislative solutions that will protect community members who are part of the fabric of our society.

Faith leaders “shocked by the tragedy our nation is producing for Haitians seeking protections”

Bishop Philius H. Nicolas with Evangelical Crusade of Fishers of Men: “As a Haitian Pastor ministering in the community for over fifty years, I am shocked by the tragedy our nation is producing for Haitians seeking protections. By sending at least 17 deportations flights to Haiti since the beginning of February 2021, the U.S. has made the immoral choice to reject instead of protect over 1,000 Haitians–including more than 270 children–seeking asylum and security.”

Toolkit: 1st 100 Days and Beyond for #ImmigrantJustice

The first 100 days of the Biden Administration is a critical time for faith communities to take action alongside immigrants’ rights organizations and immigrant leaders. In the coming weeks, there will be an opportunity to push for legislative and administrative reforms that create relief from deportation, move towards citizenship for all, and rebuild the refugee and asylum programs.

DED/TPS for Cameroon

On behalf of the 135 undersigned faith-based organizations and faith leaders from across traditions, we call for an immediate 18-month designation for Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) or Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Cameroon to protect as many lives as possible from a devastating humanitarian crisis and ongoing socio-political conflict. Our call is rooted in our country’s interfaith values of welcome, hospitality, and generous aid to those who call on protection from persecution or are otherwise unable to return to their homeland due to unsafe conditions.