103 posts

We will continue to work toward legislative solutions that will protect community members who are part of the fabric of our society.

#Faith4DACA & #Faith4TPS Toolkit 2020

Share this toolkit with your network: http://bit.ly/Faith4DACATPS @interfaithimm • Facebook • interfaithimmigration.org Join the #Faith4DACA and #Faith4TPS movement as we respond to a recent USCIS memo on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), respond to a court Decision on Temporary protected Status (TPS) and take steps to secure all immigrants’ rights.  Toolkit Contents Background […]

Toolkit: Advocate for an Immigrant-Inclusive COVID-19 Relief Bill

Tell Congress to include immigrants and refugees in our country’s economic recovery! Share this toolkit with your networks: http://bit.ly/COVIDReliefIIC @interfaithimm • Facebook • interfaithimmigration.org Background For months, we have been calling for a comprehensive COVID-19 relief bill that includes all members of our communities. As Congress returns from recess, we […]