103 posts

We will continue to work toward legislative solutions that will protect community members who are part of the fabric of our society.

Eight Years of DACA: The Fight Continues

Monday, June 15, marks eight years since President Barack Obama announced the creation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in a Rose Garden speech. The policy, which conferred work permits and protection from deportation to immigrants who came to the United States as children, has become one of the most popular successes in the legacy of the Obama administration.

It’s important to remember, though, that DACA was not a “gift” given to young immigrants. It was a hard-fought and hard-won victory, in a decade-long campaign led by the very people whose lives were on the line.

Outraged by Trump’s Latest Immigration Ban? 3 Ways to Take Action

President Trump issued a new Executive Order to “cancel legal immigration,” claiming that it would help the hard hit economy. The order bans many immigrants from entering the United States and keeps families apart for at least sixty days. Faith leaders reacted strongly, calling his exploitation of the coronavirus public […]

Faith Leaders: Include Immigrants in COVID-19 Protection

224 faith-based organizations and 1,025 faith leaders sent a letter to the Trump administration, Congress, and Governors, telling them that “immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers must be included in our emergency response [to COVID-19] if we are to assist everyone who is in need.” The organizations and individuals span forty-six states plus the District of Columbia.

Abdicating Responsibility on Venezuelan TPS

Today marks one year since the Department of Homeland Security brushed off concerns from non-governmental organizations about the conditions in Venezuela and the need for a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for this country. 

A year later, another one million people have been forced to flee Venezuela, and the Trump administration continues to dither and delay action. If trends continue, Venezuela will soon become the largest refugee crisis in the world.