
369 posts

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Policy Briefs

The following one-page briefing documents highlight what the Interfaith Immigration Coalition recommends on specific immigration and refugee policies. These documents are a great resource to share with Congressional offices and fellow advocates, and to use as a resource for writing letters to the editor and op-eds. Family Unity 2017 Interior […]

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Religious Leaders Reject Federal Rule Allowing Discrimination Based on “Religious Freedom”  110 religious leaders and 17 faith-based organizations sent a letter to the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs in opposition to the proposed rule Implementing Legal Requirements Regarding the Equal Opportunity Clause’s Religious Exemption (RIN 1250-AA09). Members of Congress, Advocacy and […]

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Faith Letters and Statements on Immigration Issues

Letters on Humane Immigration Policies 9/16/19: 110 religious leaders and 17 faith-based organizations write to Harvey D. Fort, Acting Director, Division of Policy and Program Development at the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs to oppose the proposed rule for Implementing Legal Requirements Regarding the Equal Opportunity Clause’s Religious Exemption (RIN 1250-AA09). Interfaith […]