

Seeking asylum is an internationally-recognized human right.


#Faith4Asylum is a project of the Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC). This campaign is about ending Remain in Mexico/MPP and other cruel asylum policies of the U.S. government, as well as restoring the promise and protection of asylum in the United States. Our diverse faith traditions believe that “welcoming the traveler” and treating newcomers as we would God are part of our human social contract.

Toolkits and Religious Resources

Toolkit: Virtual Advocacy Days to #SaveAsylum
#Comments4Asylum: Interfaith Toolkit
U.S. Americans of Faith Say: End Anti-Immigrant “COVID” Policies
Faith Leaders: Include Immigrants in COVID-19 Response
#Faith4Asylum Resources
Epiphany Devotion on Asylum 2020
Family-Friendly Asylum Resource
The Way of Asylum
Haggadah Insert on Asylum 2020
#Faith4Asylum March 2020 Toolkit
  • The Cry to #FreeBinsar Grows Louder

    October 1, 2020
    The Cry to #FreeBinsar Grows Louder
    Over 1,000 Faith Leaders from 43 States Ask DHS, ICE, and Congress to Allow Binsar Siahaan to Continue His Case in Sanctuary (photo: Susan Saudek) Washington, DC – This week, 1,038 faith leaders from forty-three states, including WI, MI, PA, NC, AZ and the District of Columbia sent a letter to Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad ...
  • Leaders of Diverse Faiths Write #FreeBinsar

    October 1, 2020
    Leaders of Diverse Faiths Write #FreeBinsar
    Today, 1,038 faith leaders sent a letter to Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, Senior Official Tony Pham, and the U.S. Congress calling for ICE to “release Binsar from detention immediately and allow him to proceed with his asylum case.” They also demand a statement from ICE “clarifying and assuring that it will adhere ...
  • Another Historically Low Commitment to Refugees

    October 1, 2020
    Another Historically Low Commitment to Refugees
    Faith Community Outraged by the Administration’s Devastation of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program Diaz: “Trump administration is playing the role of persecutor, not protector” Washington, DC – The Trump administration is proposing another historic low refugee admissions goal of 15,000 for FY 2021, according to the administration’s report to Congress. The administration violated U.S. law by not ...
  • From Africa to Deportation

    September 28, 2020
    From Africa to Deportation
    Black Africans Confront the U.S. Asylum System Washington, DC – On September 30, the last day of National African Immigrant Heritage Month, learn about the journey many Black Africans make to the U.S. to escape persecution–and the journey some are forced to make back via deportation.   WHO: Gladness, whose sister Josephine is facing deportation to Cameroon and ...
  • After ICE Arrests Church Member on Church Property – “We Will Stand Together”

    September 21, 2020
    Listen to a recording of the press call here Silver Spring, MD – Last Thursday, ICE agents knowingly violated the agency’s Sensitive Locations policy and lied to Binsar Siahaan, an Indonesian asylum-seeker and six-year member of the Glenmont United Methodist Church, in order to arrest him and carry out his deportation.  In a clear violation of the ...
  • August’s Powerful Moments from People of Faith

    September 8, 2020
    August's Powerful Moments from People of Faith
    Organizing for Immigrants, Refugees, Black Lives – True Justice for All Washington, DC – It was another brutal August in the United States–both due to heat and the general state of things–but people of faith continued to show up and organize for justice for all. Black lives, immigrants, refugees. Everyone.  This summer, we followed our call to ...
  • Call Now! #SavePastorSteven

    September 3, 2020
    Call Now! #SavePastorSteven
    ICE needs to hear from the faith community! Don’t let them deport Pastor Steven to Uganda. Steven Tendo is a pastor and human rights activist from Uganda facing imminent deportation. Ugandan government forces killed many of his family members, and amputated two of his fingers in retaliation for his human rights work. Should he be deported, ...
  • Work Permit Ban for Asylum-Seekers is “Cruelty in the Extreme”

    August 25, 2020
    Work Permit Ban for Asylum-Seekers is “Cruelty in the Extreme”
    Washington, DC – The Trump administration’s latest attack on asylum-seekers takes effect today: a one year ban on work permits. Elissa Diaz, Policy Associate at Church World Service and Co-Chair of the Interfaith Immigration Coalition, said: Asylum seekers have already fled so much. Abused and persecuted in their native countries, often for years, they come to ...
  • Mourning the Deaths of Edwin Rodrigo and Roberto Primero Luis

    August 19, 2020
    Mourning the Deaths of Edwin Rodrigo and Roberto Primero Luis
    People Continue to Die Because of U.S. Border Militarization Washington, DC – Yesterday, as many of us read The New York Times Magazine feature, “How U.S. Policy Turned the Sonoran Desert into a Graveyard for Migrants,” Edwin Rodrigo was dying.  According to Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, Edwin drowned ...
  • Adams on Wolf/Cuccinelli’s illegal appointments per GAO

    August 14, 2020
    Adams on Wolf/Cuccinelli’s illegal appointments per GAO
    “It takes a certain kind of callous hypocrisy to profess to stand for law and order while unashamedly breaking it”  Washington, DC – The Government Accountability Office (GAO) concluded that Chad Wolf and Ken Cuccinelli have been unlawfully serving as Acting Secretary of Homeland Security and Acting Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), respectively. ...

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay