
Communities of faith support refugee resettlement and will continue to welcome refugees and other vulnerable individuals into our homes, communities, and hearts.

  • Cameroon Advocacy Network to Biden Administration: End Trump Deportation Policy; Grant Cameroon TPS Now!

    November 2, 2021
    Cameroon Advocacy Network to Biden Administration: End Trump Deportation Policy; Grant Cameroon TPS Now!
    Washington, DC – On Friday, following a non-stop week of action on Capitol Hill, the Cameroon Advocacy Network (CAN) hosted a virtual listening session to demand safety and dignified treatment of Cameroonians in the United States in light of the Biden administration’s continued cruel treatment and deportations of Cameroonian people. The listening session took place just ...
  • Anti-Black Racism is Affront to God-Given Dignity of Black Immigrants

    October 15, 2021
    Anti-Black Racism is Affront to God-Given Dignity of Black Immigrants
    Washington, DC – Many people were shocked and horrified by recent photos of U.S. border agents on horses with whips, storming through a group of Haitian people seeking safety in the United States—trying to move them like cattle. But those who have been advocating against inhumane asylum, detention, and deportation policies for years saw the ...
  • People of Faith Demand Humane Treatment of Haitian Migrants

    September 22, 2021
    People of Faith Demand Humane Treatment of Haitian Migrants
    Washington, DC – People of faith are shocked and horrified by the Biden administration’s escalation of Haitian deportations and expulsions and the inhumane treatment of Haitians by Border Patrol officers at the U.S. southern border. The egregious actions of U.S. Border Patrol officers towards Haitian asylum-seekers reflect our nation’s long history of a broken immigration ...
  • Faith Leader Letter to Biden: Protect and Welcome Afghan Refugees

    August 30, 2021
    Faith Leader Letter to Biden: Protect and Welcome Afghan Refugees
    WASHINGTON, DC – Out of a deep concern for the people of Afghanistan, 219 faith leaders and 88 faith organizations signed a letter to the president urging him to provide a robust humanitarian response to the crisis in Afghanistan and to expand opportunities for Afghans to seek refuge in the United States. The administration must take ...
  • Faith Leaders Demand Humanitarian Relief and Refuge for Haitian and Afghan Nationals

    August 19, 2021
    Faith Leaders Demand Humanitarian Relief and Refuge for Haitian and Afghan Nationals
    WASHINGTON, DC – Faith groups from across the United States express their grief about the devastation, fear, and uncertainty that Haitian and Afghan people are feeling, and call on the Biden administration to use the significant power of the U.S. government to protect human life. Compelled by their faith traditions’ call to speak up for and ...
  • Summer Advocacy Action List

    August 13, 2021
    Summer Advocacy Action List
    Congress has an historic opportunity to pass citizenship for immigrants through the congressional budget reconciliation process this year. On August 11, we celebrated an important step that the Senate passed a budget resolution that includes a path to citizenship. We must keep up the momentum! While Congress is in recess and into September, faith communities ...
  • Asylum Seekers, Faith Leaders, Human Rights Groups Demand End to Title 42 on 70th Anniversary of Refugee Convention

    July 29, 2021
    Asylum Seekers, Faith Leaders, Human Rights Groups Demand End to Title 42 on 70th Anniversary of Refugee Convention
    WASHINGTON, DC –  Asylum seekers, human rights groups, and faith leaders rallied and held vigil in front of the White House yesterday to demand an end to “Title 42 expulsions,” a Trump-era policy used to block asylum seekers under the guise of public health. They highlighted the United States’ responsibility to refugees and asylum seekers ...
  • Faith Leaders Denounce President Biden’s Exclusionary Remarks: “They Should Not Come”

    July 22, 2021
    Faith Leaders Denounce President Biden’s Exclusionary Remarks: “They Should Not Come”
    WASHINGTON, DC – In a CNN town hall last night, President Biden was asked to speak to his administration’s stance on immigration, recalling when Vice President Kamala Harris told migrants, “do not come,” in a speech last month in Guatemala. “They should not come,” Biden responded, going on to describe his administration’s intention to set ...
  • Refugees Have a “Right to Survive and Lead a Flourishing Life”

    June 17, 2021
    Refugees Have a "Right to Survive and Lead a Flourishing Life"
    Washington, DC – Leaders of faith-based organizations that resettle refugees and advocate for a stronger U.S. commitment to refugee protection honor their courage and tenacity on World Refugee Day, June 20, and every day. Joan Rosenhauer, Executive Director, Jesuit Refugee Service/USA said: “On World Refugee Day, we celebrate the talent, strength, and resilience of our refugee ...
  • “Do not come.” Faith Leaders React to VP Harris’ Comments in Guatemala

    June 8, 2021
    "Do not come." Faith Leaders React to VP Harris' Comments in Guatemala
    “Each of us is a cherished beloved of God — let us craft immigration policy that remembers that” Guatemala City – “Do not come. Do not come. The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border.” Those were the words Vice President Kamala Harris spoke, and wanted the world to hear, in ...